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  • Sealing iron my trim (mini)

    MY606-1  (Ming Yang)

    399.00 each


    The Heat Sealing Iron Mini heats up to 210 degrees and is used to quickly dry repair compounds when repairing holes, tears, abrasions and cuts in the skin.
    The convenient form factor of the mini iron will allow you to work more comfortably with minor damage.


    The Heat Sealing Iron Mini iron weighs about 300 grams;
    The unique, glass-filled nylon body of the flat iron provides additional protection for hands from heat;
    The base of the iron has a heat-resistant durable Teflon coating, which guarantees the free sliding of the iron on the treated surface;
    Convenient form for repair of small damages.

    Unit comes with two shoes : Flat & Round

    The Flat Shoe is used in areas with sharp angles, such as the junction between the stabilizer/fin and hinge gaps.

    The Round Shoe assists in making concave areas look as smooth as painted surfaces. Use on wing tips and concave fillets.

    Voltage: AC 220V ~ 240V 170W

Enquire about: Sealing iron my trim (mini)

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